object(WP_Term)#14938 (10) { ["term_id"]=> int(34) ["name"]=> string(20) "Trade & Industry" ["slug"]=> string(14) "trade-industry" ["term_group"]=> int(0) ["term_taxonomy_id"]=> int(34) ["taxonomy"]=> string(11) "program_cat" ["description"]=> string(0) "" ["parent"]=> int(0) ["count"]=> int(7) ["filter"]=> string(3) "raw" }

Maplewood provides individuals with educational experiences that aid in personal growth and the development of career/technical skills leading to graduation, higher education and/or employment.

Maplewood Career Center's Adult Education Programs Qualify for Ohio's TechCred

This program gives businesses the chance to upskill current and future employees. Businesses who submit successful applications will be reimbursed up to $2000 per credential.

For information call the Adult Education Office at (330)296-2892 Ext. 551011 or click the Ohio Tech Cred link right.

Welding Technologies

The Welding Technologies program is to prepare students to seek entry-level employment or advance in their career in welding and industrial repairs. Welding encompasses study in electrical, metallurgy, chemistry, physics, and design. Welders may work on various structures including but not limited to bridges, buildings, pressure vessels and heat exchangers. This would include welding items such as boilers, storage vessels, transmission and transportation vehicles for water, land, air travel, and production and processing machines of all types. The curriculum provides student with a foundation in welding technique, skills, welding mathematics, and career development. The successful graduate is trained to enter the welding profession as an entry-level welder.

Program Admission Requirements: High School Diploma/GED, Drivers License or Photo ID, WorkKeys Assessment / After registering, please request a supply list.   NOTE: If you are a business signing up an employee, please call the office to do so (330) 296-2892, Ext. 551011

NOTE:  If it is one week before the class is going to start, please call 330-296-2892, Ext. 551010 to sign up.   ASK ABOUT SCHOLARSHIPS FOR THIS PROGRAM!

Modular Welding

Focus on a specific weld MIG, TIG, or Stick.   Not sure which weld to go with?   We have an instructor that can answer question.  Welding encompasses study in electrical, metallurgy, chemistry, physics, and design. Welders may work on various structures including but not limited to bridges, buildings, pressure vessels and heat exchangers. This would include welding items such as boilers, storage vessels, transmission and transportation vehicles for water, land, air travel, and production and processing machines of all types. The curriculum provides student with a foundation in welding technique, skills, welding mathematics, and career development. The successful graduate is trained to enter the welding profession as an entry-level welder.

Program Admission Requirements: HS Diploma or GED, Drivers License or Photo ID, WorkKeys Assessment / Supplies Needed: Please ask for list./$25 non-refundable application fee included in tuition/NOTE: If you are a business signing up an employee, please call the office to do so (330) 296-2892, Ext. 551011

NOTE:  This class is open to all adults and qualifies for the Adult Diploma Program

Ask about Scholarships for this program.   NOTE:  If it is one week before the class is going to start, please call 330-296-2892, Ext. 551010 to sign up.

Credential Examinations:  One Certification in MIG, TIG, or Stick.

Modular Industrial Maintenance – Fluid Power

Fluid Power Systems is a specialized area in maintenance. This course is dedicated to the understanding an application processes of the various types of fluid power ran systems found within the industry. Students will focus in fluid systems such as pneumatics, hydraulics, and electro-fluid power systems. Students will utilize computer, online, and lab-based simulation scenarios to develop knowledge, skills, and a deeper understanding of electricity, specific to maintenance.

Program Admission Requirements: HS Diploma or GED, Drivers License or Photo ID, WorkKeys Assessment

Credentialing Examination:   SACA Fluid Power  NOTE:  If it is one week before the class is going to start, please call 330-296-2892, Ext. 551010 to sign up.

Modular Industrial Maintenance – Mechanical

Mechanical Systems are a specific component in the realm of industrial maintenance. This course is dedicated to the understanding and application processes of the various types of mechanical components imperative to the continuation of the company. Students will focus in four levels of mechanical drives and centrifugal pumps. Students will utilize computer, inline, and lab-based simulation scenarios to develop knowledge, skills, and a deeper understanding of mechanics, specific to maintenance.

Program Admission Requirements: HS Diploma or GED, Drivers License or Photo ID, WorkKeys Assessment/$25 non-refundable application fee included in tuition/NOTE:  If you are a  business signing up an employee, please call the office to do so (330) 296-2892, Ext. 551011

Credentialing Examination:   SACA Mechanical  NOTE:  If it is one week before the class is going to start, please call 330-296-2892, Ext. 551010 to sign up.

Modular Industrial Maintenance – Electrical

Electrical Systems is a specific component in the realm of industrial maintenance. This course is dedicated to the understanding and application processes of the various types of electrical systems found within the industry. Students will focus in electrical structures such as AC/DC, motor controls, sensors, wiring systems, relay controls, and rotating machines. Students will utilize computer, online, and lab-based simulation scenarios to develop knowledge, skills, and a deeper understanding of electricity, specific to maintenance.

Program Admission Requirements: HS Diploma or GED, Drivers License or Photo ID, WorkKeys Assessment/$25 non-refundable application fee included in tuition/NOTE:  If you are a  business signing up an employee, please call the office to do so (330) 296-2892, Ext. 551011

Credentialing Examination:   SACA Electrical.  NOTE:  If it is one week before the class is going to start, please call 330-296-2892, Ext. 551010 to sign up.

Precision Machining

This innovative, in-demand program was designed to prepare the student for an entry-level position as a machinist. The course will cover workplace and machine operation safety, tooling, set-up, manual operation of lathes, mill machine, saw, CNC programming and operation, blueprint reading, measurement reading, use of calipers, micrometers, grinding, and hand finishing of metals.

Program Admission Requirements: HS Diploma or GED, Drivers License or Photo ID, Orientation with completion of Workeys Assessment

NOTE:  This class qualifies for a Lozick Scholarship.

Pay $675 dollars for this class AND RECEIVE A FREE TOOLKIT!/

NOTE: If you are a business signing up an employee, please call the office to do so (330) 296-2892, Ext. 551011

NOTE:  If it is one week before the class is going to start, please call 330-296-2892, Ext. 551010 to sign up.

Credentialing Examination:  Earn ONE of the following:  NIMS Measurement, Materials & Safety, NIMS CNC Mills Operation, or NIMS CNC Lathe Operations


Industrial Maintenance

Industrial Maintenance is a specifically designed modulated program made up of electrical, fluid power, and mechanical techniques. Students completing this program will have a foundation for the field of Industrial Technology. Through the study of electricity, motor controls and programmable motor drives, programmable logic controllers, and hydraulics/pneumatics. Students will study content in all areas of concentration through computer simulation, hands on training systems, course materials, and online testing.

Program Admission Requirements: HS Diploma or GED, Drivers License or Photo ID, Orientation with completion of WorkKeys Assessment/$25 non-refundable application fee included in tuition/NOTE:  If you are a business signing up an employee, please call the office to do so (330) 296-2892, Ext. 551011

Credentialing Examination:   SACA Electrical, Fluid Power & Mechanical.

NOTE:  If it is one week before the class is going to start, please call 330-296-2892, Ext. 551010 to sign up.